Monday, October 12, 2009


Sept. 18: Turtles hatched! The dowsing rods indicated hatch date 18, 19, 20, and I assumed it was August. BUT it was September. We found the hatchlings this morning, bravely beginning their journey to water, caked with sand and mud. The first two we found were headed in the direction of the stream behind our house, so we took them there.

The next 12 were headed down the driveway, the same route the rivulet takes each spring.

We scooped them up, and took them to the ponds, and set them down in Amanda's favorite place, the island peninsula, by the birch tree.

Sept 19: A friend came by, and we were walking down the driveway, talking about the turtles. When we got to the end, she said "Look. There! A turtle!" And sure enough, there was, #15. I picked her up, and walked back to the house to get a container. I noticed how strong her legs are as she tried to wriggle out of my grasp. It was like Griffin in the hot springs pool, arms and legs pumping away! Chuck was looking around the yard, and under the truck he found #16! We carried them to the pond, and blessed another launch. These two went straight into the water and buried themselves under the leaves in the mud.

Sept 20: Checked the yard before dark, and saw a neighbor. I told him I was taking one last look for turtles, and he laughed. Then as he stepped toward his house, he suddenly looked down and said, "It's a turtle!" It looked like a dead leaf to me, and I thought he was pulling my leg. "Really, it's a turtle." he said. "I see a turtle!" and it was, and he did! #17. On the way to the pond, I saw that the light was on in Jocelyn's kitchen, called to her and she came out to welcome the little one. Now the magical circle is complete, and the wetlands home of these turtles will be safe. Promise to the mother turtle has been kept. 17 little ones are safe in the muddy wetland tonight.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Applles Legacy Vision

The Appletree Point Preserve / Lake-Legacy Environmental Sanctuary (APP/LLES) is dedicated to the conservation of Appletree Point’s natural and historical heritage.